A miniature painting service that will give you updates, links, pictures, and information how to get a commission going.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Streaming Live on Twitch
Jan 1st 1PM-8PM Est: Painting Dark Eldar Character Models
Jan 3rd 8PM-12AM Est: Conversion Corner: Nurgle Marines
Coming Soon: Tau Riptide (Help pick the colors), Dark Eldar Razorwing & Talos, Captain Rengrave, Bane Lord Tartarus, Skarlock
Check Out My Twitch Channel
Monday, September 29, 2014
Special going until the end of the year.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Early Bird Special
We are living in a golden age of miniatures right now. Every week brings a bunch of awesome new products from a number of manufacturers. This leaves me with a constant burning desire to see these new models and paint them. So I'm inspired to feed this desire by offerings discount on services involving these new releases.
For a full month after a miniature is released I'll be doing 20% off of my painting, assembly and conversion costs on these models.
Contact me at: warpaintingservices@gmail.com
Every quote is free so is advice and questions.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Model Purchases
Through my service you aren't limited to what models you have on hand. You can buy models through me as well at whatever the cost of the model is and that doubles as the deposit for the commission. I can find most Games Workshop miniatures from 20-30% off and I'm always looking for better deals on all ranges.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Tournament Special
Tournament season is upon us. Need anything painted up for your tournament army? A special discount for commissions with the promo code: iwannawin
(would love to get your Imperial Knight detachment ready for you.)
Contact me at: warpaintingservices@gmail.com
The quote is free with no obligation and I try to work within your budget to get you miniatures you can be proud to play with.